Nakayama Iwata, "Eve," 1940
The Photograph: What You See & What You Don't
Dates: May 29 (Tue) - Jun 17 (Sun), 2007
Closed on Mondays
Hours: 10:00-18:00
Place: Chinretsukan Gallery of The University Art Museum, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music
Admission: Free

<Exhibited Artists>
Ishida Hiroto, Imai Tomoki, Uchida Ari, Enokura Koji, Ehara Takashi, Otsuji Kiyoji, Kohara Masashi, Koyama Hotaro, Sato Tokihiro, Sano Yoichi, Shiigi Shizune, Shibata Toshio, Sugiura Kunie, Suzuki Risaku, Sengoku Tomoko, Taguchi Kazuna, Nakazato Katsuhito, Nakayama Iwata, Yokoyu Kumi

Organized by: Executive Committee for Syasinten
Co-organized by: Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music
Supported by: Japan Arts Fund; The Nomura Cultural Foundation; The Asahi Shimbun Foundation
Recognized by: Kigyo Mecenat Kyogikai
In Cooperation with: Kyodo Shoji Ltd. 乬Coedo Brewery乭; The Month of Photography, Tokyo
Support for the Web site: 4digit Ltd. http://www.4digit.net/
Executive Committee for Syasinten (Photography Center)
Tel/Fax: 050-5525-2294
E-Mail: info@syasinten.com
-> Official site for the exhibition
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