Special Exhibition on Afghanistan at Tokyo University of the Arts, SOS in Afghanistan

Special Exhibition on Afghanistan at Tokyo University of the Arts, SOS in Afghanistan
Dates: Apr 12 (Tue) - Jun 19 (Sun), 2016
Closed on Mondays *open on May 2 (Mon)
Hours: 9:30-17:00 (Entry by 16:30)
Place: Chinretsukan Gallery 1F, 2F (The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts)
Admission: free
Organized by Tokyo University of the Arts; Executive committee of a Special Exhibition on Afghanistan at Tokyo University of the Arts; NHK; Asahi Shimbun
In co-operation with Japan Committee for the Protection of Displaced Cultural Properties; Hirayama Ikuo Silkroad Museum
Production Support: COI site and Art Innovation Center at Tokyo University of the Arts
Sponsored by ITOCHU Corporation; Sony Corporation; KEN AUTOMATION Co., Ltd.; AICON 3D Systems; SunM Color Co., Ltd.; MIROKU JYOHO SERVICE CO., LTD.; Shimura Corporation
Supported by Foundation for Cultural Heritage and Art Research; The Tokyo Club, General Incorporated Association in Japan; The Japan World Exposition 1970 Commemorative Fund
Inquiry丗 NTT Hello Dial (Japanese Only) : 03-5777-8600
Exhibition official website (Japanese Only): http://www.bamiyan-hekiga.com/